Friday, 25 February 2011

Colbeck article (pasted from newsletter)

When the first eight YOD’s were being built, William Colbeck famous Antarctic Explorer who later went to the rescue of Robert Falcon Scott was already in the southern continent aboard the “Southern Cross”. His brother Haggit back in Bridlington began sailing his newly built YOD No. 2  which he also named “Southern Cross”. William returned the favour by naming a spectacular Antarctic feature “Haggit’s Pillar” actually their mother’s maiden name but it comes to the same thing in the end. Those of you who have looked at things hanging on the yacht club walls may have notice photo’s of YOD 2 at Dinnish Southern Ireland where it sank in the tail end of a hurricane. The Pirate Flag that served as William’s Sledge Flag. And the very observant Hagget’s name on the list of original owners in the snug. There is also a picture of a YOD numbered 2 entering Bridlington Harbour. The caption thought to be Mona is misleading. Look carefully at the gentleman sailing this boat and he bears a strong resemblance to William Colbeck. I wonder who he really is?

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